Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Conflicts and Suffering in paradise lost

Now before i give you an example from paradise lost there are a couple of questions you have to ask yourself before finding it in your reading. To find Conflicts and Suffering in your reading paradise lost you must ask these questions:What is Nature where is the starting point of the conflict? What are the flaws? Why is the universe flawed?
Now that we have those down we may move on.
Now the starting conflict in paradise lost was that we all had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It talkes about the beggining and how in the beginging we had sinned. That was not Gods purpose when he made us and the earth. So there is your starting conflict.
The flaws of this conflict are that we never really knew what it was like not to sin beacuse we were tempted into sin in the very begging by the serpant. " Of mans first disobiedience, and the Fruit of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste brought death into the world"(paradise lost, pg 1) That was our first mistake.
The universe is flawed not beacuse God put us here but beacuse we were tricked into eating from the tree that was forbidden. We were tricked like it said in paradise lost that we were trciked beacuse we thought we were getting something better after we ate from it. We thought there was no probelm. That is the universal flaw is that there is sin everywhere you turn.

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