Friday, October 17, 2008

American Pie

First off i think that American Pie is a Seculer humanist view. The reason why i belive this is the point of view is beacuse seculer humanist believe in a human philosophy that upholds reasons, ethics, and justice.
For my 6 world view traits i came up with a couple of differant ideas.
1. God and the universe: The father theson and the hold pirit.
And do you have faith in a Gd above?
Those were two lines that i had found in the song. Basically its saying God does have a plan for us so dont urn your back on him and ignore him.
2. Humanity and Identity: Your love with him.
The Jester with the king and queen.
Bsically that talks about how we look to other things instead of our God. God is a never dieing God. Never give up hope.
3. Conlict: "the day the music died"
people are giving up all hope. They are maybe giving up al hope on God. Who knowsbut they re talking about the day that the music dies.
4. Hope: Never give up hope on God. He is always waitng with open ares no matter what the hard times that you are going through. Look to him as your hope.
5. Values: There values were the usic that was not literally dieing but figuaratively dieing. Music was what they had valued the most.
6. Truth would be that jesus is who they should turn to.
those are the world view claims that i have com up with about American pie by Don Mclean.

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