Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The question game. Is it really important for the movie???

Okay so i first of all want to say that that game is really confusing and I hate it. It makes no sense so why do they even playh this game in the movie?
Anyways so I think that its pretty pointless to use this question game in the movie but I guess that the reason as to why they play this game in the movie is beacuse its a confusing game and my opinion about the two young men in this movie are confused themselves. So that is one reason.
Another reason is beacuse again on the topic of the game itself being confusing, um, I think that when the king and queen had addrease the two young men the king and queen had called each of the young men by a differant name which would be confusing as well. And rosencrants and Guildenstern just let that fly.
I think it is a good thinking game and when they have to spy on Hamlet they have to do a lot of thinking when spying which could be another reason as to why this movie added this game into it. It takes a lot of thinking to spy beacuse they have to be careful as to not slip and be told they werre not sent to spy on him and they have to be careful and not slip and tell Hanlet they think he is crazy.
Those are just a general list as to what i think happened and I hope that it helps a lot.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What is art?

I believe art is something that someone takes the time to make up. I think that art can be just about anything from keys on a stool to The Mona Lisa. In our discussion in class Keilani had brought uo that she thought art had to have some sort of meaning behind what the art was. Honestly, i dont think there needs to be any meaning behind a piece of art. We also had talked about in our discussion in class today that if people are on drugs do they make art to? Well i think that they do without realizing that they have made it and I think that that would lead to art not having a meaning behind it. A person who is high may not neccassarily know what they are doing at the time of there art making experiance so of course there would be no meaning behind it beacuse they would be high. So i disagree with keilani when she stated that art had to have a meaning behind it in order for it to be art. All art does not have to have a meaning behind it. For example, I think that there are a lot of singers like Bob Marley and The beatles who did drugs that may not have "realized" that they were making art when they were singing and making music but it ended up being a form of art. Does it have a "meaning" behind it? Not neccassarily!!!!
That is what i think of when i have to explain art.

Monday, October 20, 2008

She unmaes them

I think that She Unnames Them has a chrstian world view beacuse you have Adam and Eve in the story and you have Eve "unnaming the animals". Adam and eve in this story are sinners just like Adam and Eve from the bible. There were animals that had names that Eve kept refering to as "them" and animals had come from the bible as well. So this is why I think it is a worldview.

Senior quote

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
Mark twain

Friday, October 17, 2008

American Pie

First off i think that American Pie is a Seculer humanist view. The reason why i belive this is the point of view is beacuse seculer humanist believe in a human philosophy that upholds reasons, ethics, and justice.
For my 6 world view traits i came up with a couple of differant ideas.
1. God and the universe: The father theson and the hold pirit.
And do you have faith in a Gd above?
Those were two lines that i had found in the song. Basically its saying God does have a plan for us so dont urn your back on him and ignore him.
2. Humanity and Identity: Your love with him.
The Jester with the king and queen.
Bsically that talks about how we look to other things instead of our God. God is a never dieing God. Never give up hope.
3. Conlict: "the day the music died"
people are giving up all hope. They are maybe giving up al hope on God. Who knowsbut they re talking about the day that the music dies.
4. Hope: Never give up hope on God. He is always waitng with open ares no matter what the hard times that you are going through. Look to him as your hope.
5. Values: There values were the usic that was not literally dieing but figuaratively dieing. Music was what they had valued the most.
6. Truth would be that jesus is who they should turn to.
those are the world view claims that i have com up with about American pie by Don Mclean.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Conflicts and Suffering in paradise lost

Now before i give you an example from paradise lost there are a couple of questions you have to ask yourself before finding it in your reading. To find Conflicts and Suffering in your reading paradise lost you must ask these questions:What is Nature where is the starting point of the conflict? What are the flaws? Why is the universe flawed?
Now that we have those down we may move on.
Now the starting conflict in paradise lost was that we all had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It talkes about the beggining and how in the beginging we had sinned. That was not Gods purpose when he made us and the earth. So there is your starting conflict.
The flaws of this conflict are that we never really knew what it was like not to sin beacuse we were tempted into sin in the very begging by the serpant. " Of mans first disobiedience, and the Fruit of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste brought death into the world"(paradise lost, pg 1) That was our first mistake.
The universe is flawed not beacuse God put us here but beacuse we were tricked into eating from the tree that was forbidden. We were tricked like it said in paradise lost that we were trciked beacuse we thought we were getting something better after we ate from it. We thought there was no probelm. That is the universal flaw is that there is sin everywhere you turn.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wizard of oz!! What threre world view is all about!!

The wizard of Oz has a very weird world view. not one like most of us would have. There world view is very fictional-no doubt. They belive in the fairys and the differant human being that would be considered dwarfs. They belive in witches as well. So they are basing there beliefs on a fictional fairy and witches and lions and tin mans and scare crows and a "major wizard" to get Dorothy home!!!